Tuesday, February 09, 2010

20100209 PM

Dow 10,058.64 +150.25. This widely reported index finished back above 10,000.
Nasdaq 2,150.87 +24.82
SP500 1,070.52 +13.78
30-yrBond 4.57% +0.46

After several days of market selling off with volume, markets bounced today with the dollar lower and euro higher. There were reports of European countries committing to bail out E.U. member states, Greece in particular.
Markets can go higher next few days. Use higher prices to close any longs.

GLD 105.41 +1.37
SLV 15.12 +0.37
PTM 17.81 +0.36

XLE 54.87 +1.13
XLF 13.80 +0.14
VXX 32.30 -1.01

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